親歷學生所見所聞 舉辦安全的體驗學習活動
討論體驗學習 (experiential learning) 時,弘立書院聯課活動組主管Simon Joyce強調:「體驗是第四位老師。」 「弘立書院非常支持體驗學習。我們相信學生透過體驗可以學得更多,海外體驗活動亦可以令他們更了解課堂所學,此外,他們還有機會發展如堅忍、果...
This blog is initiated by the Duty of Care discussion facilitated by International SOS Foundation in Hong Kong. This sharing platform aims to encourage exchange of experiences and practices about running field trips – so that students stay healthy and safe as they discover the world.